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KYC practices for registries and registrars

Customer development is a foundation for both the health and growth of your zone file. Proper Know-Your-Customer processes give registries and registrars in-depth information on who is their healthy profiled end users and how can they attract such users. But can operators make it one step ahead and follow their customer base on multiple TLDs? Why and how can they do that?

Оn January 31, 2023, we answered these and other questions together with our experts.



Rickard Vikstrom photo About Us

Rickard Vikström

Founder at DomainCrawler

Rickard is one of Europe’s most prominent Internet entrepreneurs. Over the years of his career, he was involved as a founder and a board member in several companies, including Internet Vikings which became one of the biggest domain name registrars for the iGaming industry. In 2008, driven by the vision of indexing the entire Internet, he started DomainCrawler which became a pioneer in domain data collecting and structuring.
Danny Aerts Photo

Danny Aerts

Senior Adviser at DomainCrawler

Danny has over 30 years’ experience in the IT-sector, having spent the previous 15 years as CEO at Swedish Internet Foundation (Internetstiftelsen), the Swedish domain name registry. Prior to joining Internetstiftelsen Danny worked at several other telecom companies, including Unisource Mobile, Telia, PTT Telecom, and Spray where he also served as CEO. Danny is DomainCrawler’s Senior Adviser since October 2021.


Icon Registries and registrars

Domain name registries and registrars

Icon Domain portfolio managers

Domain resellers and portfolio managers

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Hosting providers