Domain name data for online brand protection
Combat brand infringement and trademark abuse with domain name data
Structured database with
more than 1.4 B domains
Over 80 billion
historical records
Updating data
every week
Covering 99.5%
of all gTLDs and ccTLD
Identify websites that sell counterfeit goods
Fake websites stack names of famous brands in their meta tags in order to obtain favourable rank using those keywords. Find them with the help of HTML research. HTML data includes meta description, meta keywords, H1 titles etc. giving basic understanding of a websites’ content.
Investigate ownership of fake websites
Thanks to billions of historic WHOIS records you can track who stands behind counterfeit websites. Look through the records and see the change in ownership to uncover scammers and take measures to take down the fraudulent domain.
Uncover networks of scam sites with Reverse IP lookup
Scam networks are often hosted on the same IP. Using Reverse IP Lookup you can identifying other sites on the same shared hosting server. Utilizing domain name data for online brand protection, you can find out IP address and name server of any website in the world.
Monitor newly registered and newly obsereved domains that infringe on your brand
DomainCrawler offers near-real time monitoring for both newly registered and newly observed domains so that you can know about and combat brand infringement and trademark abuse as soon as it appears on the web. Create alerts in our Domain research tool to get instant notification and combat the threats as they arise.