Domain zone file lookup
Domain Management and TLD analysis for registries and registrars
Structured database with
more than 1.4 B domains
Over 80 billion
historical records
Updating data
every week
Covering 99.5%
of all gTLDs and ccTLD
Predict renewal rates with more accuracy
Leverage various data metrics, like validity of SSL certificates, DNS records, content and even historical data to increase renewal rates, and support the channels upsell/cross-sell efforts.
Analyze the market situation
Get a sense of the market and its changing factors with MoM/YoY detailed overview of scale and distribution of domain names, as well as growth and distribution of different products, like CMS or E-commerce.
Benchmark against any TLD/Registrar/Hosting company
Conduct domain zone file lookup for any TLD. Compare and optimize your performance against the competition. Gauge trends in domain activity, registration, and usage and be able to see where trends and opportunities are arising.
KYC domains under your management
Analyze domains by status, development, content, technologies and other metrics to understand more about the domain usage, renewal predictability and potential for the domain abuse.
Identify security signals and potential security breaches
Learn how many domains utilize security protocols (SSL, DNSSEC, SPF, DMARC) and see what security products/services you can offer to the customers.
Utilize historical data
Use historical data for dropped domain names, to incentivize intelligent data-driven re-registrations of these domain names.