Domain name database
for digital RESEARCH
Actionable insights from over 80 billion domain name records
DomainCrawler is a comprehensive domain name database and a leading provider of structured web data of the highest quality for enterprises across various industries. We collect, process, and store domain name records helping digital researchers and investigators monitor the entire Internet analyze data, and discover threats and opportunities. Plug into the all-encompassing domain name database to get a complete overview of every domain name, website, and Internet technology.

Domain name database
Our domain name database contains more than 1.4 billion both registered and unregistered domains.

Historical records
Over 80 billion historical records collected and stored since 2008

Update cadence
Meta information, DNS, SSL certificate, technology stack, and other types of data are updated every 7 days.

Domain coverage
We cover 99.5% of all generic and country-code top-level domain names.
Glimpse into our domain name database. Research any domain name now!
Domain Name
Ownership refers to the WHOIS records which contain contact information of the domain name owner and of organizations involved in its registration and management
Creation Date
Expiration Date
Registrant country
Meta data
Meta information refers to HTML index tags which are snippets of text hidden from users in the source code of the site. HTML index tags tell search engines what the website is about and are used by them to rank the site in search results.
Website Technologies
Website technologies refers to services, applications, programs, etc. used on the website. This category includes programming languages, web servers, page builders, CDNs, CMSs and other solutions which may be associated with the website researched.
Programming languages
CMS, Blogs
Page builders
Webmail, Email
DNS refers to the records in the domain names system which provide information about a domain including what IP address is associated with that domain and how to handle requests for that domain
IPv4 address (A)
Name server (NS)
Mail Exchange (MX)
TXT record

Domain Research Tool
Analyze the entire Internet with over 100 filtering options. Slice and dice data to spot connections between domain names be it content, ownership, DNS information, website technologies, or other domain name records or attributes.
Internet Statistic Reports
Get a better understanding of your customer base with our Internet Statistics Report. We analyze your zone file or domains under management, or any other subset of domain names and create a custom report filled with the statistical information that can help you with your marketing and security efforts.

Thanks to DomainCrawler's support and the data they provide we at Scamadviser managed to increase the accuracy of the Trust Score for any given website and to increase domain coverage.

Working with the DomainCrawler team has made our daily work vastly easier due to the increased efficiency and improved support that we can provide to our clients.

DomainCrawler helps us supplement and further refine our own data which makes DomainCrawler a must-have for data collection.

Clear and easy-to-integrate API with complete white-label usage
Convenient user interface for marketing research and investigation
Dedicated software engineering team to support the implementation from A to Z
Competitive pricing and custom-tailored solutions that suit your needs the best
Own Swedish-based data centers that guarantee full operational control
Over 15 years of experience in crawling and structuring Internet data
Domain name registries, registrars and portfolio managers
Understand the usage of domain names to increase registrations and renewals.
More use cases
Cybersecurity experts
Identify and mitigate potential threats with domain name data.
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Sales intelligence and market researchers
Find potential clients, research competitors and analyze the market situation with domain data
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Data journalists and OSINTers
Uncover hidden patterns and traces with real-time domain intelligence.
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Law enforcement agencies
Uncover hidden criminal activity, track suspects, and gather evidence with our domain data solutions.
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